Leading Creatively in the New Designscape

FIrst up on day 2 is Don Ryun Chang, President (2007-2009), Icograda IDA on “Leading Creatively in the New Designscape”.  Don is currently professor at Hongik University where he teaches branding and design management and was the former Dean of the Graduate School of Advertising.

Design is the enabler for innovation, collaboration, events, sustainability – picking up on the theme from keynote 1 yesterday that design has come of age. It’s not an option.  Examples from international events to show the critical contribution of design – eg. the WDC World Design Cities Summit, and how Korea uses design in the new ‘designscape’ of the city.  Who are the emerging design stakeholders – government, corporations, etc. How to embed design as a 24/7 activity.  Change as a multilevel element – eg. Gehry bringing new elements to architecture.

Presents an overview of design history in Korea from 1984 – 2010 – an amazing explosion of design-led innovation with huge economic growth.  Evolution of the ‘design tree’ with the evolution of media – key role played by Adobe in developing the tools for this.  The coming of the ‘transmedia’ age. Convergence of all media creates challenges, opportunities and excitement – along with incredible complexity.

Way forward for design – design leadership, design technology, design network – collaborative opportunities, architects with graphic designers, etc. – transdisciplinary movements.  Emerging design markets for new types of design students. Refs Banny Bannerjee at Stanford – complexity management=design thinking.  New marketing keywords – innovation, relationship, brand, creativity – are converging in new design management.  Guess at AUT we have the beginnings of this transdisciplinarity in the Faculty of Design and Creative Technologies eg. CoLab.

What are the aspirations of students in the ’emotional age’ ? – the metacurriculum at Hongik Uni dealing with ‘the beyond’ – a revolutionary design programme for the designscape of Korea. Redefining design education for the complexities of the new decade – producing ‘design Aces’ skilled across product design, space design, and communication design.

Implications for education – role of the teacher increasingly shifting to being a designer of learning environments, and the need to make these engaging, compelling and spectacularly irrational (Ritzer).  So every teacher needs a baseline competence in principles of new transdisciplinary design and basic digital literacy for using the tools.  The ‘last mile’ problem again ….

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